Here are three articles that will help you refresh and start thinking about ethical fashion and your own responsible style.
Read MoreHere are a few companies for swimwear that have a loyal customer following, responsible items and attractive styles.
Read MoreThe second posting of the style challenge - a review of the last few outfits from the 10 days of 10 items - A fun week and a half utilizing what I already own and making it work!
Read MoreThe True Cost film is "a story about clothing. It’s about the clothes we wear, the people who make them, and the impact the industry is having on our world."...
Read MoreHighlighting high end sustainable and ethical designers from around the world, the Verdalina boutique offers a beautiful and mindfully styled collection of goods.
Read MoreRichmond's pioneer in ethical fashion, Rupa from Love This is one to know and shop for responsible goods. Check out her story and follow along with the chic airstream shop!
Read MoreThe first 5 days and looks from the #Spring10x10 Style Challenge - a post on outfits planned, reflections on the daily challenge and how my style is evolving.
Read MoreKicking off the Spring season in a big way with The Good Wear's first style challenge! Starting this Monday, I'm looking forward to trying out new ways to rewear what's already in my wardrobe.
Read MoreTransparency is mentioned a lot here on The Good Wear, because it is a foundational concept surrounding responsible style + the fashion industry...
Read MoreThe first Saturday quick-post is dedicated to April's exciting fashion month. Fashion Revolution Week (the 4th week in April) has become a global movement to raise awareness about the ethical side of the fashion industry. Here's some background on Fashion Revolution Week and how you can get involved.
Read MoreThe Good Wear is a platform searching for companies that are changing the industry one product at a time. Here's a Spring list from 2017...
Read MoreResponsible style can be intimidating to pursue at first, but there are several ways to make the process simple and practical. Here are 5 R's of responsible style.
Read MoreFor this Friday's mini read, I've featured several Instagram accounts that have helped my responsible + ethical style education, while pointing me in new directions for tips, knowledge and creativity. Check them out!
Read MoreAs I've pondered the "why" of responsible style, my opinions have changed by seeing the true value these second hand shops have for the fashion consumer. The key that seems to be present in wearing those older pieces is how to restyle them with our current wardrobes.
Read MoreSo, here are the first few recommendations for brands to know and product to add to your closet. Each company is doing amazing things in their communities that make them stand out as affordable, transparent and style-forward.
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