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Seasonal Changes for You and Your Wardrobe

This post is for all of us looking at our wardrobe and desiring a new point of view on the things we own. Something on my mind lately as I re-look at my habits at home, is focusing on “enough”. Culture (or consumer marketing specifically) convinces us that we don’t have an adequate wardrobe as we transition from season to season. But I also don’t think we will ever not be in a transitional season — whether it’s the weather, our work, family life, new adventures or let downs. So where does that leave us when we are convinced we need more, more, more to fill up our wardrobe?

We continue to transform as each day passes, so naturally, our wardrobes move with us. Yet in another transition, we often forget mindful habits and intention that help us make decisions to match our feeling of “enough” and the value we have for our material things like clothes. We often make decisions out of impulse or even just out of convenience (I’m so guilty of this!). So today, this post is looking at a few ways we can be mindful of our sustainable habits in a small section of our lives that might impact us daily - our wardrobe.

wearing what we have—

Wearing what we have can also be the hardest thought to stick through when we go through a transition. With any shift, it’s normal to want to change everything at once. The idea around “wearing what we have” can be one with many different levels associated with the phrase. Some associate boredom with rewearing items or maybe discontentment — but in reality it can be revolutionary to how we approach our purchases. But that doesn’t always have to apply to our wardrobe - especially if we have goals to be more sustainable in our consumption.

And although we do tend to switch out our clothing based on the weather, we can have a new perspective on what we already own year round that can save money and prevent waste. It’s a good idea to set apart some time to look through your items and see how they can be paired with other pieces to create multiple outfits. As well as taking a mental note about what pieces you may already own that you don’t actually need to rebuy - particularly denim, sweaters, jackets etc.

And just remember - it’s a lie to believe that things should not be worn multiple times a week.

creating a list to stay on track—

An easy way to view your clothes and new seasonal purchases mindfully is to create a list to stick to when creating your seasonal wardrobe. This could be a list of goals to drive your sustainable consumption values or just a list of items that you think is important to fill or complete for your seasonal wears.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • what clothing am I most comfortable in this season?

  • what do you tend to wear the most in this season?

  • what do I dress up for - work? fun? errands? events?

  • is there a style that I’ve been searching for that might be a good time to buy now? (leather jacket, boots, etc).

  • is there a splurge purchase I want to save for?

These questions will help be a guideline to ask yourself when shopping and therefore save you time, money and buyers regret.

recycling and shopping second hand—

A perfect way to combat buying new or spending a ton of money around a transition is to resell your loved items to a local consignment shop or through sites like Poshmark, Thred Up, Etsy, etc. Or shopping second hand items online or through vintage and consignment shops. This may take a bit more time to search for a needed item but this shopping strategy typically results in a purchase that you will wear multiple times — and an item that has already been recycled and needs a home.

Plus — an extra bonus is reselling your pre-loved items at local consignment shops or online resellers, because this will give you that that extra cash to purchase something that you will wear and love.

other simple ideas & tips—

  • Check out this article about ways to make your clothes last longer (hint: wash them way less than you think).

  • Style tip: Take your spring and summer items into the fall — pair a summer dress with boots and layer a sweater or jacket over top!

  • To continue use of unworn/unsellable items in your wardrobe: Reuse old t-shirts as cleaning rags — this is a perfect strategy for dusting around the house.

  • Put together a clothing swap — a fun way to get a group together that can keep each other accountable for what we are buying on clothes as well as a perfect opportunity to revamp your outfits with new, free items.

  • Staying curious — follow along with articles and other resources like a daily email from The Good Trade or listening to podcasts that are relevant to what you want to learn about within sustainability (whether that’s around just fashion or extending to other areas).

  • Follow along with social media accounts that give facts and inspiration for this next season: @fash_rev, @candicemtay, @capsuleclosetblog, @remakeourworld, @thesustainablefashionforum, etc.

  • Donate to local non-profits, The Goodwill, school districts, homeless shelters etc.